How To: Add a New User

Click .


The following page will be displayed.

·        Active: If checked, the User is an Active User. If not checked, the User is inactive.

·        User Name: The name of the User. Is alphanumeric, up to 50 characters. May be displayed on receipts.

·        Description: A description of the User. May be full name, and may include position and office information.

·        E-Mail Address: The email address of the User. Not mandatory, but if wanting the user to receive report emails, then this must be set.

·        Assigned Cash Drawer: Some printers that iNovah supports can access up to two Cash drawers.  If using two Cash Drawers.

·        Starting Office: The default Office that appears in the drop down when starting a new Batch. All Offices will be seen in the drop down for Starting Office, not only those assigned by permissions.

·        On Login: If checked, then the User must change their password the first time they log in.  The check will automatically be removed after a User changed their password.

·        Force Password Change: If checked the next time the User signs in, they must change their password before continuing.

·        User Restricted to Training: Will limit access and actions in iNovah Cashier and the Administration and Management Portal.

·        Can Unlock Payment Form Fields: Will allow the User to unlock a locked form field on a Payment in Cashier.

·        Business Unit Data Access: Allows the User to access all the data within the Business Unit(s) they have access too.

·        Lock User: If an attempt to sign into a User name fails 5 times in a row, this box will become checked.  No more attempts can be made to log into iNovah with the User name.  Someone with Permission to Configure Users can uncheck the Lock User box to allow the User to log back in.

·        API User: Some interfaces require an API to access.  All Batches must have an owner, so an API user will need to be created.  This is not a physical user. Configuration Settings for this user will be set per Business Rules.

·        Change Password: If a user forgets their password, a user with Configure User permission can change the password.  Suggestion: Change the password to something generic. Put a check in the box next to Force Password Change On Login. This will force the user to enter a new password that no one knows.


Once all needed information has been entered correctly, Save and Deploy.


Permission, Groups/Users, Payment Types, Offices, Collection Points, Business Units, Queries, Reports, and Notifications should be set at the Group level. Additional individual permissions can be set up at the User level if needed.  Further decryptions of Permission, Groups, Payment Types, Offices, Collection Points, Business Units, Queries, Reports, and Notifications are located under the System Configuration-Group heading.





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iNovah Administration and Management Portal Guide Copyright © 2010 by System Innovators, a division of N. Harris Computers, Inc. The System Innovators logo and name is a registered trademark of System Innovators. iNovah and the iNovah logo are both trademarks of System Innovators. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose other than the customer’s own use without written permission from System Innovators. System Innovators 10550 Deerwood Park Blvd., Suite 700 Jacksonville, Florida 32256