Click .
The following page will be
Merchant Name: Used to identify this ACH
Company ID: May be populated in the ACH
file created by the ACH merchant
File Modifier: Used to distinguish
multiple ACH files created on the same date
Company Name: May be populated in the ACH
file created by the ACH merchant
Company Entry Description: Additional data which may be
passed during ACH transactions
Company Discretionary Data: May be passed during ACH
Immediate Destination: May be populated in the ACH
file created by the ACH merchant
Immediate Origin: May be populated in the ACH
file created by the ACH merchant
Immediate Destination Name: May be populated in the ACH
file created by the ACH merchant
Immediate Origin Name: May be populated in the ACH
file created by the ACH merchant
Originator DFI ID: May be populated in the ACH
file created by the ACH merchant
Once all needed
information has been entered correctly, Save and Deploy.
If information is left black
or incorrect, then the ACH Merchant may not work properly and an error will
occur in iNovah Cashier. Check with the ACH merchant for details on required
Related Topics
System Configuration - ACH Merchants