Suspended Transactions

A list of all Suspended Transactions can be viewed under Browse Suspended Transactions.  The ability to delete and view the details of a suspended transaction will be available to all users who have access to this page.

The Browse Suspended Transaction page is located at Research>Browse>Suspend Transactions.


(Example of the Browse Suspended Transactions page)


Suspended Transactions: Select

A listing of all Suspend Transactions matching the above Tasks (filter criteria) will appear.

The Select tab will allow filtering of the Suspended Transactions below to help locate a specific Suspended Transaction.  Filter types include Owner Name:, Modifier Name:, Department:, and Business Unit:.

Delete the individual Suspend Transaction

Details able to view the transaction details of the Suspended Transactions

Suspended Transactions: Delete Multiple

The Delete Multiple tab will allow multiple deletions by either Creation Date or Owner.

By Creation Date has metadata that includes: Older Than Today, Older Than A Week, Older Than A Month, Older Than 3 Months, Older Than 6 Months, Older Than a Year.

By Owner Name has all batch owners that the user is allowed to access data.


How to: Delete Multiple Transactions

 Select an option to search by (By Creation Date or By Owner Name)


Select an option from the drop down. (This will not filter out the Suspended Transaction below.)


Click  to delete Suspended Transaction(s).






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