How To: Schedule a Report

Click clip_image001.


Complete all information on the Schedule Tab.


·        Report Name: Use the drop down to choose the report that is to be scheduled

·        Schedule Name: Give the schedule a name

·        Description: Give the schedule a description

·        Schedule Type and Repeat Interval:

Schedule Type

Repeat Interval Type

Intra-day is multiple times a day

set by minutes
(15, 30, 60, 120, 240, or 720 minutes)

Daily is once every given number of days

set by number of days
(1 up to 15 days)


Weekly is once every set number of weeks

set by number of weeks
(every 1-8 week(s))


what day of the week
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Monthly is once every given number on months

set by a day of the month,
(1-30 date of the Month)


first-fifth day
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) of the month


which month(s) of the year
(January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.)

When scheduling reports, ensure that the Schedule Type and Repeat Interval are set correctly.  When choosing to run the report on the 31st of every month, not all months have a 31st day. The months that do not have a 31st day will not run.  This is also true for the 5th Fridays of a month, etc.

·        Start:

o   Date: what day the report will start running

o   Time: when in the day the report will run

Once the Schedule information is complete, Click on the Report Parameters tab.

Complete all information of the Report Parameters tab.

·        FromDate and ToDate

These are the dates that the report will use to gather the information.  Exact Dates may be chosen, or a Metadata can be chosen. 

Exact Date: A calendar Date (Monday, October 06, 2008). If choosing an exact date, those dates, and only those dates, will be used each time the scheduled report runs.

Metadata Date: A date range. Examples of Metadata Dates, Current Day, Yesterday, First day of the current week, Last day of the current week, First day of the current month, Last day of the current month, First day of the current quarter, Last day of the current quarter, First day of the current year, Last day of the current year.

Pay attention when setting Parameters in conjunction with Schedule Type and Repeat Intervals. If running a Report with Schedule Type Daily, Repeat Interval on Monday-Friday, and Parameters for Yesterday – Monday’s report for yesterday is Sunday’s information.

·        GroupBy: Use the drop down arrow to choose how the report info will be displayed. Every Report will have its own set of options.

·        Additional Parameters: Some Reports may have any number of additional parameter options. Complete any additional parameter information if needed.


Once the Report Parameters information is complete, Click on the Report Delivery Options tab.


The Report can be sent to E-mail and/or to a networked printer. The send to printer options will be illustrated first.









Click in the box to the left of Send to Printer.

An Installed Printer from the dropdown can be chosen, or a Printer URL can be added.








Click in the box to the left of Send to E-Mail Recipient(s).






Choose who to send the email to. E-mail options include To:, Cc:, and Bcc: :


Multiple users can receive the Report. The Report can be emailed to a Group or a User(s).


Anyone needing to receive this report through iNovah must be an iNovah user.  Even if the individual never needs to sign onto iNovah, they must have a username and the correct email address in iNovah in order to receive emails directly from the iNovah server.


Permissions and Business Units will dictate what Group(s) and User(s) an individual will have access too.

·        Reply-To: Who will get the responding email if there is a reply. Will also be the ‘sender’ of the email.

·        Subject: What is displayed in the subject line of the email.

·        Priority: Outlook priority. (Normal, Low, High)

·        Report Format: The format the Report will be delivered in. (Acrobat (PDF), CSV (comma-delimited), Excel, TIFF file, HTML, XML file with report data)

·        Comments: Any comments needed for the email.  This will appear in the body of the email.


Once the Report Delivery Options information is complete, Click Save.

A new scheduled report has been added to the scheduled report list.

If the individual who schedules the report has limited information (due to Permissions/Business Units) the report will display only the information that the scheduled user has Permissions/Business Units for. The displayed report will be limited to the Permissions/Business Units that the user who scheduled the report has.

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