Configure Reports

A Report can be Added, Deleted, or Renamed from Configure Reports. 

The Configure Reports page is located at Research>Reports>Configure.



(Example of a Configure Reports page)

Reports: choose a Report by highlighting on the Report.

Groups/User tab: Displays the Group(s) and User(s) that have access to the chosen Report. (If listed, they have access, if not listed, they do not have access.)

(Options on this page)

Run the chosen Report. Choose a Report then Click on the Run button. The Report will run the same as if using the Run Reports page.

Add a Report to the Reports Server using iNovah. The Report must be written in SQL. Once a Report is added it will be viewed in the Reports list and can be added to the Favorites tab and/or Scheduled. If a Report is added, ensure that all users who need the Report have Permissions to use the Report. (It is not necessary to choose a Report in the list to add a Report with the Add button.) Must Synchronize Report Data Source after adding Reports.

Edit a chosen Report’s name and description.  If a Report’s name or description is changed, it will change the name and/or description for all users. There is also the ability to overwrite an existing report file with a new SQL file. Choose a Report, then Click on the Edit button.

Delete a chosen Report from the Reports Server. If a Report is Deleted it will be Deleted for all users. Choose a Report then Click on the Delete button.

Synchronize Report Data Sources

Adds the correct parameter information on all Reports.  Must Synchronize Report Data Sources after adding Reports.

Recover Orphaned Reports

If a Report was added to the Reports Server, but not in iNovah, Recover Orphaned Reports will bring the Report to iNovah.

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