User will always be allowed to access their own data. If Business Rules state that a User needs
access to more than their own data, they will need to have the Business
Unit Data Access box checked under the Group or User level. This will allow the User to access all data
within the Business Unit(s) they are assigned to.
Office will limit the data a User is allowed to access at the Office
level. A User still will not be able to
access information taken at an Office where he/she does not have access. This means that the User will also not be
able to access any other Users in an Office that they, the primary User, does
not have access too.
Group of Users will only be able to access their own data. They will not be
allowed to access other Users data.
Business Unit Data Access is checked, then all Users within this group can
access data within their associated Offices and Business Groups.
Cashier who is only allowed to access their data will be configured normally.
They will have Permission, Business Units, Payment Types, Office, Collection
Points, Queries, and Reports configured, normally at the Group level. They will not have a check next to Business
Unit Data Access.
Supervisor/Lead Cashier
Supervisor/Lead Cashier that needs access to not only their data, but also to
the data of any cashiers they supervise.
They will have Permission, Business Units, Payment Types, Office,
Collection Points, Queries, and Reports configured, normally at the Group
level. They will have a check next to Business
Unit Data Access. The data from other users will
be limited by the Office(s) and Business Unit(s) they have access too.
Administration/Auditor may need access to all data for all Payment Types, and
all Users. They will have Permission,
Business Units, Payment Types, Office, Collection Points, Queries, and Reports
configured, normally at the Group level.
They will have a check next to Business Unit Data Access. The data from other users will be limited by
the Office(s) and Business Unit(s) they have access too, so ensure they have
access to all Offices and all Business Units.
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